Sunday 16 June 2013


A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, during 2013.

It's been a funny old week.  The girls have been hard work, and I've been on my own a lot, plus I've had work pressures, so by yesterday I was snarling and ready to snap.  An hour or so off in a coffee shop while Simon navigated the Hanwell Carnival in the pouring rain and a very important couple of hours at home, doing nothing, this morning while they were at church have sorted everything out.

We went to Whipsnade for Fathers' Day.  Lucy hasn't been very well this weekend, and has been running high temperatures for a few days, which makes things trying.  I didn't want to take a picture of her looking all sad and forlorn, not even willing to move to see the elephants, so this is a modelled shot of the dress I made for her.  Fabric chosen on Saturday morning, dress made in 2 hours last night.

I don't think she'll make a catalogue model.  The dress, incidentally, looks great, fits, has some growing room and has held together for a whole day.  Whether it will withstand a wash remains to be seen, and less said about the seams and hems the better.

Hattie has been telling me that she is feeling ill, mainly, I suspect, to get Calpol.  She is in the rudest of rude health, however, and had a brilliant time at the zoo; the best animal she saw today was a magpie.

The bag on her head can't have helped.

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