Wednesday 25 September 2013

WIP Wednesday

My children are not here; Lucy is in Reception, having a whale of a time, Hattie is at pre-school between 9 and half 2, so I have that most precious of gifts, TIME.  I'm not quite sure that using it by going into work early to sort things out is the best use of it, and I really need to start going to the gym, but so far, I'm really enjoying myself, pottering around the house and generally trying to get on top of everything.

We have little visitors in the house; small, furry visitors that poo everywhere.  I've been tidying and hoovering more often (every few hours), in a vain attempt to get rid of them, as I really don't want to trap them, and I feel that we will have to learn to share our Edwardian house with them.  Anyway, I had to sort out the living room stash and find a new place for it as a big pile of wool seems to be a mouse paradise.  I spent my morning yesterday happily sorting through it, putting it in bags and boxes, and then stuffing it into the yarn cupboard.

The yarn cupboard is now full to bursting.  What to do, what to do?  I feel a bit unwell at the sight of all that spending, and at the amount that needs to be knitted up or even given away (NEVER).  It's just too much, and very overwhelming.  

This is my WIP this week.  A yarn cupboard full of plans and things to do.  Whether any of the original plans will come to fruition remains to be seen. 

The list:

Alphabet Blanket for Noah - done
Granny's a Square Afghan - done
Elephant blanket - one stripe half made, really need to get on with this as the baby is now overdue
Peacock Mittens - one finished, bar the thumb
Idlewood - still yarn
Owl Blanket - needs to move up the list, Hattie's birthday is the 3rd of December
Hexipuff Quilt - nearly 140 puffs made, how terribly exciting, and the quilt is rectangular, which is pleasing
Paper Dolls - moved downstairs; I am not allowed to cast anything on until I've finished the body of this
Peerie Flooers - not sure about, I might have to buy yarn for it, and, well, see above
Ringo and Elwood mittens - were going to be a Christmas present, but I think that's unrealistic

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the new peace and time, i bet you fill it up really quickly! And I know what you mean about the huge amounts of yarn, seeing all mine together definitely made me cut down on buying more.
