It was a shame that Ouma had to be in the sick bay for almost the entirity of our holiday, but we managed to see her almost every day, and she spent just enough time with her young great grand-daughters, although I'm sure she'd disagree. The girls are not very restful for a 93 year old; funny that.
I can't be bothered to write reviews for all the books I've read recently, but some highlights are The Morville Hours, which I enjoyed so much that I'm actually going to buy it for myself, along with its companion book, and The Love Verb by Jane Green, which was sentimental drivel, but deserves a mention for the following crass paragraph, quoted verbatim.
"It only happens to fiver per cent of cancer sufferers," Callie says. "Look on the bright side. We always knew I was special. Honestly? I think I'm too good for this earth." As always, she is using humour to deflect the pain.
Seriously. Show, not tell.
What else? Congratulations to Sophie - another lovely little boy to add to her family. We are planning our visit at the moment.
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