Monday 3 January 2011


Oh gosh, I'm tired. I can barely see and things are waltzing in and out of focus. I think it's something to do with my contact lenses as well as having had a really bad night last night, where Harriet was awake from 4 onwards, as was Lucy, who chatted away to herself for a good hour or so. I threw in the towel at 8 and got up (Bank Holiday lie in cancelled) and let Simon sleep, and we went downstairs to play. Lucy fortunately went back to sleep but the little one was wide awake and alert, and enjoyed watching me cook a chickpea soup and stumble around feeling bleary and blah. She went back to sleep at around 10, when her father and sister surfaced, and I've been sleep-walking for the rest of the day.

We went to Kew for lunch and to see the bulb paintings exhibition in the Shirley Sherwood Gallery, which was beautiful. We got told off by a staff member - apparently we were disturbing her nap - there was no one else in the gallery. We had fun at Kew, although Lucy wanted to walk/dawdle around, and Simon finds that very trying - he likes to "get there", whereas I'm happy just to drift around, so she spent a lot of time either on his shoulders or in the buggy, and grumpy about both of these. Harriet slept peacefully throughout the whole trip, and didn't wake up when I wanted to feed her, so I ended up feeding her in the car park of Osterley Tesco. Comfortable.

In other news, the Owls jumper is on the verge of being finished - just 8 more rows of owls to do, and then it's decreases and the neckband. I'm really pleased with it. Snapdragon mitten flip tops next and then some fishy ones that I've been keen to make for ages and ages, and have finally decided are not too hard. I've bought the yarn and everything, and am just waiting for it to arrive. Hopefully I will have a whole range of finished items to show off before the end of the month - Lucy's blanket needs one more square and then it can be sewn up. Finally!

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