First bread of 2011
Originally uploaded by JuliaCroyden
It's good to be home. I've blown the dust off the bread maker - one of my New Year resolutions is to make more bread and use the expensive toy we were given two years ago. Since Lucy started eating bread, we've been buying rubbishy ready sliced because she prefers it. We've been eating it too, and I don't really like it, although some is quite good - the Hovis granary is very good toasted in a fried egg sandwich.
I've made some other resolutions - to read all my unread books by the end of the year, to use a whole lot of stash up (this was a resolution last year, and has been a resounding failure, but I'm hoping that now I have my craft room with all my boxes on display I'll be able to have better access to it) and to maintain my current weight loss, and add a further 10 pounds to it. Ideally I'd like to be under 10 stone by this time next year, but we'll see. It's not something I'm going to obsess over at the moment, when eating is far more important than dieting.
We had Jamie and Jim for New Year's Day. The less said about that that the better. I will write about it when I've calmed down a bit.
Lucy decided that she didn't need a nappy yesterday and wore her knickers instead. After two accidents, we decided that she could wear knickers and a nappy, so honour is satisfied all round. We knew it would happen soon, as she is adamant that she is not a baby and needs to be treated differently from Harriet, but we were hoping that it would be accompanied by a desire to sit on the potty as well. Oh well, it's a step in the right direction.
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