It's all rather exciting really. I'm feeling completely full and fed up of waddling around like a weeble, but the end is in sight. Hurrah.
Our house is now finished. The loft is done! Lucy slept in her big girl's bed in her big girl's room last night and is very happy with the distinction between "bibi" and "me" which is great. I've managed to persuade her to give some toys to the baby - of course, it is debatable whether this will last the week, but so far, so good. She's even given away some of her books, but as she's just about to get a huge load of new ones from my teaching stash, I don't think she'll notice. She's far more into picture books now, and isn't so keen on the touchy feely ones that she used to love. So these have gone to "bibi" and she was very happy to say goodbye to them.
I've stopped work at last. Thank goodness. We had a small tea party on Friday, and then that was it. I'll miss my little degenerates, but not that much. They are now mostly settled and happy, so at least it won't be too much of a nightmare for Lisa and Beatrice who is replacing me. It's very strange to think that I potentially won't see some of them again as they won't go to our Reception Class. I'm glad and a bit sad that I won't be there until September next year, but I'll have far more to worry about soon, so work will just be a happy memory. My colleague, who might also have diabetes, is clinging on until the end of term - she's not due until January, so I suppose she feels that she just has to keep on going. It's her first too, so she's got more energy than I have.
I've been making little baby gros for my friends' children:

as well as knitting socks, blanket squares and other fun things. I've started a red jumper - the Boatneck Bluebell Sweater, from Fitted Knits, but will be making it without the bulk increasing garter stitch around the tummy panel. What a stupid idea. How to make yourself look even more dumpy and unattractive.
I don't think we have any other news. My birthday came and went in a blur of pregnancy, not eating cake and decorators, so I am thinking that I should have a non-birthday party in May to make up for it. Oh yes, and my brother is getting married in July, so that's something to be excited about.
Our house is now finished. The loft is done! Lucy slept in her big girl's bed in her big girl's room last night and is very happy with the distinction between "bibi" and "me" which is great. I've managed to persuade her to give some toys to the baby - of course, it is debatable whether this will last the week, but so far, so good. She's even given away some of her books, but as she's just about to get a huge load of new ones from my teaching stash, I don't think she'll notice. She's far more into picture books now, and isn't so keen on the touchy feely ones that she used to love. So these have gone to "bibi" and she was very happy to say goodbye to them.
I've stopped work at last. Thank goodness. We had a small tea party on Friday, and then that was it. I'll miss my little degenerates, but not that much. They are now mostly settled and happy, so at least it won't be too much of a nightmare for Lisa and Beatrice who is replacing me. It's very strange to think that I potentially won't see some of them again as they won't go to our Reception Class. I'm glad and a bit sad that I won't be there until September next year, but I'll have far more to worry about soon, so work will just be a happy memory. My colleague, who might also have diabetes, is clinging on until the end of term - she's not due until January, so I suppose she feels that she just has to keep on going. It's her first too, so she's got more energy than I have.
I've been making little baby gros for my friends' children:

as well as knitting socks, blanket squares and other fun things. I've started a red jumper - the Boatneck Bluebell Sweater, from Fitted Knits, but will be making it without the bulk increasing garter stitch around the tummy panel. What a stupid idea. How to make yourself look even more dumpy and unattractive.
I don't think we have any other news. My birthday came and went in a blur of pregnancy, not eating cake and decorators, so I am thinking that I should have a non-birthday party in May to make up for it. Oh yes, and my brother is getting married in July, so that's something to be excited about.
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