Lucy has continued to be a joy and a treasure and a ratbag in equal proportions. She loves her little sister and is looking after her very well.

I'd come to terms with having to have a Conservative government a long time before they were actually not elected, so that wasn't a shock - still a shame, but not a shock - although the Lib Dems have surprised me by their general slimey uselessness. The recession hasn't hit either of us too badly and it looks like things are gradually on the mend. The glee and unprofessionalism on the part of the Conservatives as they watched the State being cut to the bone and beyond was disgusting, but what else can we expect?

Other personal low points were the deaths of my great-aunt Heather and a friend Jerome. They will both be missed. Cancer is such a sodding horrible disease. Three people I know are running the London Marathon next year in Jerome's memory.
The volcano erupting over Easter was a bit of a pain, as we ended up stranded in South Africa for an extra fortnight, but we bravely managed to get through it.

My brother and his girlfriend became engaged and will be getting married in July next year, and one of Simon's friends is also getting married, so that's two weddings next year. We've been to several weddings this year - my cousin Simon to Ilana, Kate's to Ric in the Lake District, Katherine's to James in Royston and Kaili's to Ben in Linton, and they were all lovely in their own ways. The family one was a bit more stressful, as is the nature of families, but we enjoyed them.

I've knitted several miles of wool into various useful things and made 11 adult sized jumpers, several socks, most of a blanket, some of another 2, half a cushion, a toy rabbit, a hat, some scarves and a whole heap of baby clothes. I've made a couple of lucky babies pretty little baby gros, and plan to make a whole heap more for the babies born to my web of friends next year.

What with all the cooking and reading and teaching and playing with other people's children as well as my own and blasted Timmy Time watching, it's been a pretty good year.
I hope 2011 is as happy.