Monday 7 October 2013


I couldn't face sitting in front of the computer last night.

Lucy on Saturday, having lost her first tooth.  She has since lost the neighbouring one, and now has a gappy smile.  The tooth fairy has brought her £2 and a Little Miss book;  exciting but also distressing.

We took the girls to a Japanese festival in Trafalgar Square on Saturday afternoon.  This is a self-portrait with Hattie on my shoulders.  She is transfixed by the drummers of the Okinawa Sanshinkai; I feel a tribute to the music of the people of the Ryukya islands coming on.

"Portraits of my children once a week, every week, in 2013">


  1. Another new phase of growing up! She is adorable...gappy grin and all. xoox

  2. Thank you! She is generally lovely.
