Things to Look At

Sunday, 19 January 2014


A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014.

Hattie in a cafe, drinking a hot chocolate, as you can see from the shadow around her mouth and the naughty look on her face.  She ended up giving me hers, and taking mine, which is sharing, I suppose.

Today, after church, the girls went upstairs and played quietly in their bedrooms for ages, coming downstairs dressed as princesses, complete with tutus and all sorts.  Lucy then insisted on some decopatching craft, and I snapped this as she sat and concentrated.  Of course, thirty seconds later, she was being very rude to me - shouting, stamping and telling me that I was doing the wrong thing and not letting her do it by herself, and then thirty seconds after that was demanding my help.  It's very difficult being 5.

Makes my house look pretty tidy and almost like a magazine.


  1. Brilliant hot chocolate moustache, I sometimes still get them... Your house does indeed look lovely.

    1. Thank you! The magazine I was thinking of was something along the lines of "Disorganised Parent"!

  2. Great photos! I love her naughty look in the first photo :-)

    1. Thank you! Sadly, that is her normal look. She is a bit of a monkey.
