Things to Look At

Monday 18 March 2013

A new hobby

What a busy weekend.  Again.  I went with a friend to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Olympia, and didn't buy any wool at all, much to my own surprise.  I did buy a huge (ish) amount of cross stitch and quilting stuff though, and predictably Simon is delighted.  I've read the big book about quilting, and I think it's relatively straightforward once I get a rotary cutter, so I'm looking forward to having a bash at it tomorrow night.  I've also got a kit for a Shibori Lap Quilt, which is built up round traditional Japanese fabric, and is utterly gorgeous.  As it's squares bordered by white rectangles, it'll be easy enough to make, I'm sure, and I'll post pictures of me cutting it up into wrong sized squares, swearing at it, chucking it in the bin and denying all knowledge of it.

I also made a sweet little cupcake cross-stitch, and now have been bitten by that bug - I bought an elephant and an owl which I will frame and hang in the girls' rooms when they are finished.  Dead easy to do, but I can't watch TV while I do them, so I'll have to do something else while sewing, so I'm busy downloading archive episodes of In Our Time at the moment, slowing up the computer and generally frustrating my somewhat fragile internet connection.  

Maybe all these crafty hobbies will turn into a viable, proper money making thing.  Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great day! I need a rotary cutter too & if it ever warms up I shall go out & buy one. For know I will satisfy myself with Tidying Up and also Finding All My Fabric... that's the plan anyway. or else I might just sit & read blogs.
